Making funny faces at 6am in the morning

Hayden digging into her stocking

Hayden with half of her huge pile of presents - we went a
little overboard this year

Proof that Jay
can hold babies. This is only the 4th or 5th time he has held Vincent, so
Alice told me to take out the camera for proof

Jarrod playing with Hayden's Christmas presents

Vincent with his Great-Grandpa DeLeon. Sorry the pictures are so pixelated. I think
it might be because I uploaded them through Photobucket first

Hayden and the mess of presents behind her

Playing with her toy kitchen. She LOVES that thing. She'll
come up to me and "make" me breakfast. Just this morning I
got a boiled orange, fried-peppered bread, and grapes that
were first baked in the oven and then microwaved

She also loves her giant puzzle. She has a little version of
that and plays with it non-stop, so we figured she'd appreciate
the giant version. It was the first gift she opened and we had
to convince her to open the rest

Vincent with his Grandma

Vincent - 2 months old

Vincent's funky smile

Vincent "punching" Jarrod

It rained Christmas Day - so we went outside to play in it

Grandpa DeLeon had Vincent about 65% of the time. He
never wanted to set him down and we had to really fight him
to make sure he didn't take Vincent to his home to California!

My Airmen =)

Like father, like son... though, I do think Vincent is starting
to look a little more like me

Andrea playing Raving Rabids on the Wii

Uncle Jorge and Hayden playing the soccer balance game
on Wii Fit

He holds up his head pretty well now

Getting kisses from Dad

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